Not sure if the question had those brackets as strings but if they did, this code should work:
def get_pattern(l1,l2):
from collections import Counter
# Getting a dictionary with the count of each number
num_dict = Counter(l1)
# Getting a dictionary with the remainder of each number
remainder_dict = {k:k%len(l2) for k in num_dict.keys()}
result = []
# Looping through the dictionary and each number
for key in num_dict:
# If the value of the number is less than length of the bracket list, we are getting the relevant
# bracket from the list l2 by subtracing 1 from the key to get the index of the bracket
if key < len(l2):
bracket = l2[key-1]
# If the value of the number is greater than the length of the bracket list, we are getting the remainder (i)
i = key%len(l2)
# If the remainder is less than the length of the bracket list, we are using the logic above and getting
# the bracket by subtracing 1 from the remainder to get the index of the bracket
if i < len(l2):
bracket = l2[i-1]
# If remainder is 0 it means we have to get the last bracket from the list so we are getting the last bracket
# from the list l2 by subtracing 1 from the length of the list l2 to get the index of the last bracket
elif i==0:
bracket = l2[len(l2)-1]
# Getting the pattern by joining the bracket with the number of times the number is present in the list
# by using the join function and converting the number to string with the help of str function and multiplying
# the string with the number of times the number is present in the list and separating the numbers with a comma
# and adding the bracket at the start and end of the pattern
pattern = bracket[0]+",".join(str(key)*num_dict[key])+bracket[1]
# Appending the pattern to the result list
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Test case
A = [1,2,3,4,5,5,1,1,3,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,4,4,4,3,3,9,9,9,9,9]
B = ["{}","[]","()"]